Thursday 25 September 2014


As a second year university students I have actually learnt quite a bit about myself and the ways I like to study. I know there are many people out there who struggle with a good study method or struggle with reading textbooks because it can be so boring and sometimes hard to stay awake. I had the same issues until I came up with my own little system. Now these are just methods I use and everyone is different so they may work for you and they may not. 

First, I am going to give you a bit of background information on my schooling life first. I have always been a fairly good student even in high my marks usually ranged from 80%-90% at least, I graduated with honors and a french immersion diploma which is something that I am very proud of. Going into my first year of university my marks were a little lower than I was used to at first so that kind of pushed me to do better and find some better study habits that would help me improve. I am now a distance education student studying to get my bachelor of arts degree so that I can become an early years teacher. For me to become an early years teacher is so important because those are the years where learning is so important and that is when children can develop such a passion for learning, at least that's how I was.

So being a distance student I am now basically in charge of teaching myself. I get the work online and go through it and do the assignments on my own. It is a bit more of a responsibility but I quite enjoy it so here are my tips for either distance education ( I know this has become much more popular ) and just for studying in general! 


1. For those of you who do distance education, this one is for you!  GET DRESSED AND READY FOR YOUR DAY! I have found that I am much more productive when I get ready for the day rather than staying in my pj's all day! You don't need to get all fancy but changing my clothes always helps me. I usually put on a pair of yoga pants and a tee or something along those lines so that I feel like I am a bit more ready for my day and I feel like I can be productive! 

2. DON'T TRY AND DO YOUR WORK FROM YOUR BED! This is also one of the other biggest things that I find helps me! Not doing school work in bed, when I stay in bed and try to do school work it never goes too productively so rather sit at a desk or a kitchen table where you feel you can probably be more productive and you probably will be! 

3.  COLOR CODING! This is a big one for me! Having different colors for everything in my notebooks helps me to stay interested in taking notes. The different colors can also help you keep organized. For example, I usually write the title of the chapter or unit in one color, the main topic of what the unit is talking about in another color and I use another color for the sub topics. 

4.  TAKE NOTES! I know assigned reading in textbooks can get very boring, very fast even if you are interested in it. So for myself the way that works best for me is to take notes while I am reading my textbooks, this may take a little bit longer but it will help you stay focused because you are doing more than just reading page after page in your textbook! Writing things go will probably also help you learn and retain the information that you are reading as well! This is probably my favorite tip I have! It has helped me so much! 

5. ASK FOR HELP WHEN YOU NEED IT! I know that we don't want to ask for help sometimes because we don't want to be ridiculed for it but in all honesty asking for help can make the world of a difference. If you don't want to ask your prof or teacher a question in front of the class, go talk to them after class or if you can't do so after class, email them and ask your question or arrange a time to meet. I know this sounds so obvious but sometimes people forget that it is okay to ask for help and that is what your profs and teachers are there for. 

I hope that my tips may help some of you who read this! I hope that everyone has a fantastic school year!

Friday 5 September 2014

Body Image

This photo was taken by: Meg Gaiger

I want everyone to take a moment and look at this picture. What do you see and how does this picture effect you?
This photo has been recently started to go viral and I think that is for a very good reason.
This picture has a very powerful message to me. This is an issue that we as girls and women face in our day to day lives. It hits you pretty hard when you take into account the countless pictures we see on a daily basis of airbrushed women. One of the saddest parts about this image is that the little girl we see in this photo wants to be like all the girls she sees in the magazines and thinks that because she does not look like this her body is not good enough. The thing about this photo is that the woman in the photo she is looking at probably doesn't even look like that, there is a large chance that she is airbrushed. 

This is an issue that many girls struggle with and it hurts my heart to see someone at such a young age feel like their body is not good enough. Don't get me wrong I know that this is a photo but it is constantly happening in our society now a days, from a younger age girls see their body as not good enough because of all of the media around them and this truly makes me sad. 

I myself have been a victim of comparing myself to the women I see in media too and this is something that has to stop. Everyone's body is beautiful, everyone was created differently for a reason and being skinny is not what is important. What is important is that you do your best to live a happy and healthy lifestyle, a healthy life style is something to be proud of rather than trying to be skinny and doing it the wrong way. 

I just want everyone to take a second and realize how young this girl looks and how it is something that is truly happening now a days in our society and I believe that it is up to us to take it upon ourselves and fix it! Only then will we have the power to hopefully one day make it stop. 


Welcome to The World of Girls!

This blog will contain posts about everything that we as girls and women experience in our lives. I recently got the urge to start a blog to help young girls around the world with anything that girls may experience in their day to day lives. From boys, friends, family, school, health and self image. I feel that there are many girls who struggle with the same issues and together we can help each other through them.

Sometimes the hardest part about growing up and going through these life events is hard because we may not feel like we have anybody to talk to but there is always going to be somebody to listen to you here.

I want this blog to be a place that everyone can come to and read a post and maybe just maybe feel the slightest bit better about their situation, or to help people with things that they may just not know the answer too.

I am excited to start this journey with my new blog and it is something that means a lot to me so I can't wait to share it with you!